Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve collected a set of answers to some of our most popular questions. They are organized into a set
of topic areas. When you click on a question, the answer will be shown below it.


What’s the difference between the Triprecall and Triprecall-M apps?

The Triprecall-M, for mobile, app is used to create trips on your iPhone or iPad. Triprecall for TVos is used to view and play trips on your television. Trips are made available from the iPhone/iPad to the Apple TV when you share them.

Sharing Trips

How can I share my trip with the Apple TV?

Plug it in. plug it in.

Sample Uses for Triprecall

I work out of the office. Can I use Triprecall for my work?

Yes, this is a great use for Triprecall. Let’s say you are doing field surveys and you need to document your work. Just start a new trip and along the way drop waypoints onto the map. At each waypoints you can take and attach voice notes, pictures, videos and text-based notes and attach them. These are called media notes. Triprecall organizes all them all according to their location. You can review and edit the media notes and when you are ready, share the trip with a colleague. The sharing process uploads them into your Dropbox account. The Triprecall app for Apple TV can be used to view all your trips and play them as a movie.

Security & Privacy

How secure are my pictures and movies?

Short answer: very secure. Triprecall take your privacy and security concerns very seriously.

Longer answer: Your trips are stored on the iPhone or iPad that you used to create them. If you share a trip, then the trip and all its media notes are securely uploaded into your Dropbox account. The Triprecall TVos app accesses the trips from Dropbox. For performance reasons, some of this information will be downloaded to your Apple TV.

Even longer answer: Photos and videos are stored in your camera roll or Photo library on your iPhone or iPad. They are available to any other app. Text notes and voice notes are also stored on your device, in a standard format (.m4a for audio). When you share a trip, the assets are securely uploaded into your Dropbox apps/Triprecall folder. The TVos app caches some of this information in an app-specific area on the Apple TV. Movies are streamed directly from Dropbox. Other apps on the Apple TV do not have access to any of this information. We do not store any trip content information on any of our servers.


Which versions of IOS does Triprecall-M work with?

Triprecall-M works with any iPhone or iPad that is running IOS 8.1 or higher. Triprecall, the app for the Apple TV, works with all of the new (late 2015) Apple TVs.