We’ve just released a major upgrade to our iPhone and iPad app- Triprecall-Mobile!
Our first version was focussed on creating a trip on your iPhone and sharing that trip with someone who has a new Apple TV. We knew that, although a great first step, we couldn’t stop there.
So, now with Triprecall-M you can create trips on your device and share them with anyone else who has Triprecall-M on their iPhone or iPad as well. Even better- we make a movie from your trip and you can play it. You, or the people you share your trips with, can even AirPlay it to any Apple TV (gen 2, 3 & 4). Woohoo!
We’ve also done a little work to allow you to see trips that you have shared from one of your devices with another. For example- if you make a trip on your iPhone- you can now see that trip on your iPad (providing you’ve shared it).
All this sharing stuff means more data is going up and down to your phone- so we’ve also added a few animations to keep you abreast of what we’re doing during share and play operations.
Hope you enjoy this new release!
– the Triprecall gang
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